Monday, April 22, 2013

Earthquake Early Warning Receives 5 Million

Scientists at the US Geological Survey just announced on Friday that they have received five-million dollars to purchase 100 new seismic stations to place throughout SoCal, and to provide for computer processing space. This step will be crucial for creation of an earthquake early warning system, by decreasing the "blind zone," or region that would not receive alerts in the event of a large earthquake.

Los Angeles Mayor Anotonio Villaragiosa stated to the press that, "Our system will be more capable of providing fast, easily understood and actionable warnings that could save lives when the Big One hits."

To see more information on earthquake early warnings see my earlier posts on the subject:
Information on the Passing of State Bill 135 on EEW in California State Senate
A Plethora of Videos on Earthquake Early Warning
EEW in Japan in December 2012 During a 7.3 Earthquake
My Original In-Depth Post on EEW

A Great Example of Why We Need EEW if We Have High Speed Rail
Here is a video of a Shinkansen train slowing to a stop during a 7.1 earthquake in Japan last year. Imagine what could have happened without the earthquake early warning system in Japan.

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