Friday, September 7, 2012

Second Earthquake in Beverly Hills (Magnitude 3.4) - 9/7/12

Early this morning (3:09am), many people in Beverly Hills and throughout the "Westside" were jolted awake by a magnitude 3.4 earthquake (downgraded from 3.5). The earthquake was located most likely near or on the Santa Monica Thrust Fault (where the proposed westside subway extension will be built), in Beverly Hills. The earthquake had an intensity of IV, but was registered as intensity V on DYFI (Did you feel it). The earthquake was felt as a long-lasting jolt in my location in Del Rey (where in the world is that?).
My Recent Detections on QCN. The Highlighted Blue Detection is from the Earthquake.
 The Earthquake Number (Not Magnitude) Can be Seen on the Far Right.
The Earthquake Significance and Magnitude are Seen Toward the Left.

I am happy to say that my QCN Sensor did record the jolt. Please check my earlier post on the Quake-Catcher Network (August 2012) for more information on the network.

If you felt the earthquake, please provide the shaking strength in your location at:


  1. Gregory,
    How does the QCN differentiate motion from hitting the desk, garbage truck picking up trash cans, helicopters, and other things? How satisfied are you with your experience QCN?

    1. QCN only uses data when more than one sensor detects something. Also, the quake that is detected is often validated with the USGS. The other triggers that are not highlighted in blue are things like me shutting a window, or sonething in the background that is not an earthquake. An accelerometer is not very sensitive, so it will not be detecting something like a truck passing by (usually). The triggers with grey writing are only used to check to see if the sensor is connected to the network. About QCN, I have had some bad begining experiences, because it had not been working with the Mac OS. But when I connected the sensor to my PC, it worked. So, I wouldn't reccomend it for someone with a new Mac. But otherwise, it is perfectly ok, and simple to set up.

    2. So it sounds like it's networked to the other QCNs around you to verify movement. Thanks,


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